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It depends on your level of body fat, how much water you drink, and how often you urinate.

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Q: How long does it take to flush marijuana out of your system using water?
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Can you flush marijuana out of your system?

marajuana only stays in your system for about 1-2 weeks. but if you drink alot of water and vitamins it might help to flush it out.

Does running help flush out your system of marijuana?

it can help but the best thing to do is drink ALOT of water!!

How much water per gram of marijuana do you need to get clean?

Water does NOT help remove marijuana from your system, since it is stored in your fat cells. Fatty substances are not water-soluble, and thus, water does not flush marijuana from your system. See the Related Question below.

How do you get marijuana out of you system in 6 hours?

You can not get it out of your system that fast, but you can block it with flush pills or drinks. Drinking alot of water helps.

How do you get marjauana out your system?

There is no legal or sure way that you can flush marijuana out of your system. You can try drinking a lot of water to try and dilute your urine, but this doesn't always work.

What can a heavy marijuana smoker do to get it out of their system?

Drinks lots and lots of water to flush it out of your system and do cardio exercises. Depends on the person, but I'd say average would be about 2 weeks.

How long does it take to flush marijuana out of your sytem with water?

Water typically doesn't "flush" your system of THC, what drinking a lot of water does is adds water to your urine, diluting it and making it harder to detect the THC so drink a lot of water before you urinate for a test and pray it will work.

Will drinking water with baking soda and fresh lemon juice flush out marijuana out of your system?

Testing has proven drinking water, baking soda, and fresh or bottled lemon juice will NOT flush marijuana use out from your system and can be easily be detected in a urine sample. However it is said with the addition of eye drops to a urine sample, borderline users (Not heavy users) can alter and hide the use of marijuana because THC molecules can envelop, to effectively hide them from chemical detection.

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Why is water good for marijuana removal?

Excess water intake will "flush the system" to a degree. The body will be dumping water if it is taken in by large measure. But this also "sucks out" electrolytes and other things. Certainly traces of metabolytes from the processing of drugs by the body will be flushed out more quickly with more water intake, but some of these chemical byproducts are resistant to this. The tests will still catch them. Using water to "flush the system" to remove traces of drug use is largely futile. It does not have a big impact on the length of time after exposure that you will still test positive for use.

Will drinking a lot of water flush marijuana out of your system?

It does but the best way to clean anything out is to sweat it out.

What can you do to cleanse your system after smoking marijuana?

I heard that if you drink 8 Monster Energy drinks that it cleans your system. You can also drink a lot of water to flush your system out. But if you are so worried about getting caught with THC in your system maybe you should look into different activities to save yourself the trouble.