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You cant, you have to wait from 20 to 90 days for the marijuana to leave your system, the drug stays in your system for a long time. If you blood test is soon and you have smoked marijuana recently,........your screwed.

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9mo ago

The most effective way to pass a blood test for marijuana is to abstain from using the drug for a period of time before the test. If you've already used it, there isn't a reliable way to pass the test other than waiting for the drug to naturally leave your system. Drinking water, exercising, or using detox products may not guarantee a negative result.

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Q: How can you pass a blood test if you smoke marijuana?
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What if you smoke weed every day can you pass a salavia test?

If you smoke weed every day, it is unlikely you will pass a saliva test, as THC can be detected in saliva for up to 24-72 hours after use. Factors such as metabolism, frequency of use, and the amount of THC in the marijuana can affect detection times. It is best to refrain from using marijuana if you know you will be taking a saliva test.

How many days will marijuana show up in a blood test?

Marijuana can typically be detected in a blood test for up to 1-2 days after use, but this can vary depending on factors such as frequency of use and individual metabolism.

You smoke weed every day can you pass a drug test?

If you smoke weed every day, it's unlikely that you would pass a drug test, especially if it's a urine test. THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, can stay in your system for weeks or even longer, depending on factors like frequency of use and metabolism. It's best to abstain from using marijuana if you know you have a drug test coming up.

When taking a semen analysis test can they tell if you smoke marijuana?

A semen analysis test typically assesses parameters like sperm count, motility, and morphology. It does not specifically test for marijuana use. To detect marijuana in the body, a separate urine or blood test would be needed.

Marijuana can help you pass a santardised test?

Using marijuana before a standardized test can impair cognitive function and memory, potentially hindering test performance rather than improving it. It is not recommended to rely on marijuana to help pass a standardized test. It's best to prepare and study for the test in a clear state of mind.

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How do you pass a marijuana test?

Don't smoke weed...

How do you pass a blood test for weed?

not smoke it

Does Marijuana show up in a blood test an hour after you smoke it?

yea so dont smoke it

What should I do to pass my urine and blood test for drug Marijuana detection?

Don't use marijuana.

What if you smoke weed every day can you pass a salavia test?

If you smoke weed every day, it is unlikely you will pass a saliva test, as THC can be detected in saliva for up to 24-72 hours after use. Factors such as metabolism, frequency of use, and the amount of THC in the marijuana can affect detection times. It is best to refrain from using marijuana if you know you will be taking a saliva test.

How can a female pass a hair falical drug test if smoke marijuana in the last 4 weeks?

By shaving her head.

Does marijuana come out in a blood test?

Yes it will be detected in a blood test. Only if your blood is specifically tested for the presence of drugs. Most often marijuana will be tested in urine because of the ease of collection.

How do you negative result off a swab test for marijuana?

its so easy to pass that test. just don't smoke three days before you take the test.

You smoked marijuana at 5 pm and have a swab test tomorrow at 8 pm will you pass it?

you'll only pass it if you smoke again at 7:45

Can Ritalin help you pass a marijuana drug test?

First of all, you shouldn't smoke weed while you are taking Ritalin. And second, no it won't help you pass. Sorry.

Will a laboratory test for Down syndrome pick up marijuana in your system?

If the test for this syndrome is a blood test then, maybe. A blood test will detect marijuana. A urine test will also detect marijuana.

What can you do to pass a THC urine test in a few days?

Urine substitutions or Good product which fools the drug test .