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well of them are only good for ten after taking read the and it will tell you how long but of them its only ten minutes hope this

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Q: How long is a home pregnancy test valid after taking it?
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How long after taking a pregnancy test should you take another pregnancy test?

2 weeks

How long do you wait to take the home pregnancy test if you havent been taking your pill on time?

If you are worried, just take the pregnancy test. The peace of mind is well worth a few bucks. It will tell you on the package how far along in your pregnancy you must be (if you're pregnant) to get accurate results.

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How long do I have to wait until I can take a pregnancy test?

Most women should wait at least a few days after sex before taking a pregnancy test.

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2 weeks.

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How long did you have to wait to get a pregnancy test?

Some it takes 2 weeks before u can, but they have early pregnancy test which i think u have to wait 6 days before taking

How long do you need to wait after sex to have your period when taking the contraceptive pill?

Usually you have your period at specific times when taking birth control. If you have concerns, take a pregnancy test.

How long would you wait to ruled out pregnancy in home pregnancy test?

One month and a half it should show by then.First responce is the best one.

How long should you wait for a pregnancy test with a doctor after getting a negative pregnancy home test?

When my cousin went to the doctor after having a positive home test, they didn't even run a test on her. They said that the home test don't give false positives, though they may not give a positive when you are pregnant. Earlier consultation with a doctor or medical professional will allow you to insure that you are taking the best care of the baby as possible.

How long do you have to wait for a pregnancy test to show if you are pregnant?

Read the box of the pregnancy test? I'm just taking a wild guess here but I'm guessing minimum 30 seconds and maximum 2 minutes? But just read the box on the pregnancy test and it should say how long on there.

How long should you wait to buy a home pregnancy test?

2 weeks after sex at the earliest