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Read the box of the pregnancy test? I'm just taking a wild guess here but I'm guessing minimum 30 seconds and maximum 2 minutes? But just read the box on the pregnancy test and it should say how long on there.

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Q: How long do you have to wait for a pregnancy test to show if you are pregnant?
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Two lines should show up If you are pregnant on a pregnancy test /:

Weight gain before a pregnancy test will show if pregnant or not?

If you have gained weight or not have nothing to do with it. If you are pregnant the test will show.

Can you be pregnant for a month and a pregnancy test still show up negative?

If you are four weeks pregnant you will have enough hCH to have a positive pregnancy test.

Will a pregnancy test show you are pregnant 5 ays after you conceive?

You need to wait 14 days after having intercourse to determine pregnant with a pregnancy test.

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No pregnancy is pregnancy and it doesn't matter if you were on the pill at the time. It will still show positive if you were pregnant.

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Yes, the coil does not affect a pregnancy test.

Will a pregnancy test show positive when breastfeeding?

Not unless pregnant again.

How long can you be pregnant before the pregnancy hormone shows up on a home pregnancy test?

u can be 1 week pregnant and get the symptoms but i take at least 3-4 weeks to show in some people

If you are 2 weeks 4 days pregnant will a pregnancy test show up positive or negative?

A home pregnancy test will show up most probably negative in this case.

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If you are ovulating and you take a pregnancy test will it show up pregnant?

NO the only thing that will make a pregnancy test show positive results is if the HCG hormone is detected so if you got a positive result your pregnant your pregnant ovulating has nothing to do with it Good Luck and God Bless!!!

If you was pregnant but still having a period would a test show a true reading?

Yes, a pregnancy test would show a true reading.