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about a month pending on your diet and your liquid consumption

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9mo ago

As an infrequent user, weed can typically be detected in your urine for up to 3-9 days after use. This timeline can vary depending on factors such as metabolism, hydration levels, and the potency of the marijuana consumed.

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Q: How long does weed stay in your urine if you are infrequent user?
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How long does escasty stay in your system?

Ecstasy is detectable for 3-5 days in a persons urine, depending on the users height, weight and how often the drug has been taken. It is hard to conceal the drugs presence in the system as an Ecstasy user would test positive for Amphetamines.

How long is oxycotine decteable in your urine?

Oxycodone can typically be detected in urine for 1-3 days after use. However, detection times can vary depending on factors such as the individual's metabolism, frequency of use, and the sensitivity of the drug test.

How long does marijuana stay in your system?

Marijuana can be detected in urine for up to 30 days in heavy users, but typically up to 3-10 days for occasional users. Factors that influence detection time include frequency of use, body fat percentage, and metabolism. Detection in blood and saliva is usually up to 1-2 days after use.

You tested negative for cocaine on a home test 5 days after using will the lab show negative as well?

It is possible for a lab test to show negative for cocaine after 5 days, especially if you are an infrequent user. However, detection times can vary based on factors such as frequency of use, metabolism, and the sensitivity of the test. It's always best to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Can contact high from marijuana show up on pee test?

No, contact high from marijuana cannot be detected on a urine test. Urine tests only detect the presence of specific marijuana metabolites in the urine, which are produced when marijuana is internally metabolized by the body.

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How long does marijuana stay in your system if your not a regular user?

Marijuana can typically be detected in urine for up to 30 days in infrequent users. However, it can stay in the system for a shorter period in blood or saliva, usually up to 1-2 days. Factors like metabolism, frequency of use, and hydration levels can affect detection times.

How long does pot stay in your system if you are a regular user?

If you smoke multiple times a day everyday then it can remain in your urine for up to 45 days.

How long does marijuana stay in your urine if you are a heavy user?

Atleast 30 days!! yeah true. but if you take a bunch of niacin pills and drink water then about a week

How long does it take for marijuana to get out of your system if you're an infrequent user?

I used to get tested once a week and smoke right after the test every week. I was always clean so it takes no more than 7 days

How often do have to smoke weed to be an infrequent user?

Once a month or less.

How long does crack or cocaine stay in your system if injected?

2-3 day if you are not a chronic user. Wait at least 5 days to be safe for a urine analysis

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Lorcet will stay in your system for 3-4 days. If you are a frequent user, it will stay in for 5-7 days.

How long does Dilaudid stay in your urine I am not a frequent user?

Most if not all pills (except marinol) are out of your system in 2-6 days. Dilaudid is a synthetic form of Heroin(well, if youre eating/shooting them you already know that) So a week at max.

Is pcp still in your urine after 23 days?

For one use, PCP will stay in you urine for 3 to 7 days. If you are a chronic user it can still be found in your urine up to 30 days. it stays about 90 days in your hair and about 1 to 3 days in your blood/ oral fluid.

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How long does crack stay in the blood stream?

Cocaine will stay and therefore be detected in a person's system for different periods in different organs in the body. In a user's bloodstream cocaine may stay in the user's bloodstream for up to two days. Cocaine may stay in the user's urine for one to three days and may stay in a user's hair for up to three months. It is interesting to note that while testing for substance abuse most recognized laboratories will not test for the drug, like cocaine, but instead will test for the metabolite of the substance. In the case of cocaine the laboratory will test for 'benzoylecgonine'. This may remain in an addict's bloodstream for up to thirty days.

If im a heavy user of methamphetamine how long does it stay in your system?

I have been a heavy meth user for the past 2 years. havent went a day without it.. how long will it take to get out of my system????