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It hasn't been proven! Once you exhale, the THC would be in the user. There is such thing as feeling the effects of a contact high for some sensitive types.

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9mo ago

No, contact high from marijuana cannot be detected on a urine test. Urine tests only detect the presence of specific marijuana metabolites in the urine, which are produced when marijuana is internally metabolized by the body.

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Q: Can contact high from marijuana show up on pee test?
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How long does THC stay in your system from contact high?

There is no such thing as a "contact high". 95% of the THC in Marijuana smoke is absorbed into the lungs withing 5 seconds. The remaining 5% is not enough to get you high, or show up on a drug test. Unless you've smoked it yourself, you're fine.

What will make you test positive for Marijuana?

Consuming products containing THC, the psychoactive compound in marijuana, will make you test positive for marijuana in drug tests. This includes smoking marijuana, consuming edibles or oils containing THC, or being exposed to secondhand smoke in a confined space.

Does cloud 9 synthetic marijuana show on urine test?

Yes, synthetic marijuana like Cloud 9 can show up on a urine test because they contain chemicals that are detectable. It is important to note that synthetic marijuana can have dangerous side effects and is illegal in many places.

Can touching marijuana resin make you test dirty?

It is unlikely that simply touching marijuana resin would cause you to test positive on a drug test. However, if you have significant contact with the resin and it gets absorbed through your skin or you inhale it, there is a slight possibility of testing positive. It is always best to avoid contact with any form of marijuana if you are concerned about drug testing results.

Can marijuana show up on a breathalyzer?

No, marijuana cannot be detected using a standard breathalyzer. Breathalyzers are designed to detect alcohol levels in the breath, not drugs like marijuana. To detect marijuana use, a blood, urine, or saliva test would be required.

Related questions

Will synthetic THC show up in a lab drug test?

Yes. I an guessing you mean Hash or something similar by saying synthetic marijuana. A marijuana drug test is looking for the metabolite of THC. So if the drug has THC in it, which is what gets you high in marijuana, then it will show up in a drug test.

How long does marijuana stay in the urine from a contact high?

I'm assuming you mean "will THC show up on a urine test from a contact high?" (meaning you didn't actually smoke, you were buzzed by "second-smoke") to which the answer is NO. A contact high means you have less than 5% of the THC from the entire sesh in your system.

How long does THC stay in your system from contact high?

There is no such thing as a "contact high". 95% of the THC in Marijuana smoke is absorbed into the lungs withing 5 seconds. The remaining 5% is not enough to get you high, or show up on a drug test. Unless you've smoked it yourself, you're fine.

Will Valium show up as marijuana in a test?


Will marijuana show up on insurance tobacco test?

No...but if they're testing for tobacco, they probably also test for marijuana.

You handled marijuana can it show up on a drug test?

no, if you just had it in your hands it will not show on a drug test.

Will ecstasy show up in a marijuana urine test?

no if it's just a marijuana test than it will be testing for THC mdma

What will make you test positive for Marijuana?

Consuming products containing THC, the psychoactive compound in marijuana, will make you test positive for marijuana in drug tests. This includes smoking marijuana, consuming edibles or oils containing THC, or being exposed to secondhand smoke in a confined space.

How much marijuana does it take to show up on a drug test?

A very small amount of marijuana can show up on a drug test. Most companies will allow a small amount of up to 20 ng to show up on a drug test and not test positive.

Does the legal weed show up on dipstick drug test?

If you are talking about synthetic marijuana then, no, it will not show up on a drug test. If you are talking about medical marijuana which some people refer to as legal, then no, it is not. If it is the synthetic, it has no thc, it makes you high through a number of different chemicals that are horrible for your mind and body.

Does touching marijuana show up on a drug test?

Hahahahaha no

Will you show positive on a drug test for THC from touching marijuana?
