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Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC can stay in a persons system from 2 to up to 90 days depending on several variables such as height, weight, physical fitness and substance usage. Occasional users would be clean within one week, a daily user can take up to one month, and a constant user can take up to almost 3 months.

According to the website of Columbia University's Health Services:

Marijuana itself does not "stay" in your system, but the main chemical in marijuana, THC, does. In fact, it may stay in your system forever because it is stored in fatty tissues of various organs.

Despite being stored in body fat, THC is onlydetectable for a certain amount of time. There are many variables that determine how long THC will remain detectable in your system, including amount used, frequency, metabolism, and the concentration of the plant. Many drug tests, including urine tests, look for 9-carboxy-THC which is the by-product of your body metabolizing the THC in your fat.

Marijuana Detection Times:

Frequent users blood drug test (defined as someone who smokes several times per week)

THC: 4-8 hours after smoking.

THC by-product: 2 or more weeks after smoking.

Frequent users urine drug test

THC by-product: 2 weeks to a month after smoking (3 months for extremely heavy users)

Infrequent users blood drug test

THC: 3-4 hours after smoking

THC by-product: 2-3 days after smoking.

Infrequent users urine drug test

THC by-product: up to 10 days after smoking.

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thirty days

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9mo ago

Marijuana can be detected in urine for up to 30 days in heavy users, but typically up to 3-10 days for occasional users. Factors that influence detection time include frequency of use, body fat percentage, and metabolism. Detection in blood and saliva is usually up to 1-2 days after use.

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Q: How long does marijuana stay in your system?
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What is the fastest way to flush marijuana out of your system?

Drinking plenty of water, exercising regularly, and eating a healthy diet can help flush out marijuana from your system more quickly. It's also recommended to avoid using marijuana in the future to prevent it from accumulating in your system.

How long will it stay in your system if you smoke everyday for ten years?

THC, the psychoactive component in marijuana, can stay in your system for up to 30 days after heavy, prolonged use. Factors like metabolism and body composition can affect how long it remains detectable. Chronic users may have traces detectable for longer periods.

How long is marijuana in the blood system once you smoke it?

Marijuana can stay detectable in the blood for up to 1-2 days for occasional users and up to 7-10 days for regular users. However, THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, can be detected in the blood for even longer periods in heavy or chronic users.

How long does cannabis stay in your body?

The duration cannabis stays in the body can vary based on factors like frequency of use, metabolism, and the type of test conducted. Typically, cannabis can be detected in urine for up to 30 days, in blood for up to 2 weeks, and in saliva for up to 24 hours.

How long does a nickel bag of marijuana stay in your system?

The amount of time marijuana stays in your system can vary based on factors like frequency of use, metabolism, and individual characteristics. Generally, marijuana can be detected in urine for up to 30 days, but in some cases, it may be detected for longer periods.