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It doesn't unless you hotbox but you should worry more about your clothes smelling than your hair. I recommend not hot boxing if you know you will be seeing your parents within the hour

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Q: How long does weed stay in you hair?
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How long does weed stay in your hair if you only use it once a month?

how long does weed stay in your hair if you only use it once month have not use in the last two months

How long does weed stay in hair and blood?

well only for about a month only that's it.

How long will weed stay in chest hair?

Weed can stay in chest hair for up to 90 days, similar to other body hair. Detection depends on factors such as frequency of use, metabolism, and quantity consumed. Regular hair washing may not affect detection time as significantly as it does with urine or blood tests.

How long do weed stay in your hair for an occasional smoker?

It will be in that part of your hair forever or till it grows out and is cut off. Whether you took one lone puff or are a regular its all the same with hair.

How long weed stay in your hair?

However long your hair is, that is how far back they can test it for THC. Hair grows about 1/2 inch every month, so it is safe to say that with one inch hair, you can be tested back to 2 months.

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Does legal weed stay in your system?

Yes of course it does. It will remain in your body just as long as illegal weed would. Weed is weed. no its doesnt stay in your system at all. it has no THC

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You quit smoking weed 59 day's ago and weigh 275 my height is 5'5 how long does weed stay in your system you need to take a drug test hair sample will second hand come out..?

it stays in your urine for 4 to 5 weeks and in your hair for a year i think

Will a body wave stay in long super thick hair?

Not as long as it will stay in short fine hair, but it will stay for awhile.

If you smoked weed once how long would it stay in your hair?

It will stay until you shave your head Hair holds evidence of drugs far longer than your blood and urine. I can guarantee you that if they took a hair sample from you now (after 30 days) it would show up. Good Luck!