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how long does weed stay in your hair if you only use it once month have not use in the last two months

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Q: How long does weed stay in your hair if you only use it once a month?
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Does a long hair come out of your anus once a month?

why yes, yes it does. :) i trim mine once a month. and i thought i was the only one. :)

How can you get your hair to grow?

You can trim your hair so oxygen can get to your roots. only cut at least 1 inch off. do that at least once a month and in a few months your hair will be long :)

How long does weed stay in hair and blood?

well only for about a month only that's it.

You are over 200 pounds but you only smoke once every two weeks or month how long will it be in your system?

If you mean how long it can be detected in your system... over 6 weeks in the human hair after use. No matter how much you weigh... it is in your hair for quite some time.

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There is no animal that will eat only once per month. No living animal can survive with only eating once per month.

Why women only washed there hair once a month 100 years ago?

Because shampoo and indoor plumbing hadn't been invented yet. At that time, it was common for people to bathe as infrequently as once per month, because they didn't have the ability to bathe daily.

How long you have to wait to have long hair?

I have had long hair since 3 years old. It took me shoulder length 1 year only trim of dead ends. Long hair 2 years SMALL TRIMS. Hair grows at roughly 1 cm per month. It would depend on what you mean by 'long'. You want to take care of your hair. Brush your hair a lot, to stimulate your hair molecules. Every 2 or 3 months get your hair trimmed not very much!

How long does it take to bleach hair?

Depends on your natural color and if you're going to do it in steps. Dark hair may takes weeks, in steps and light hair colors may only take once.

How long does pot stay in system if only smoked once?

depends, less than a month, but if you push liquids you can flush it out in under a week.

Why do girls have long hair but not boys?

Because girls don't cut their hair alot... Answer: I am a boy and i have long hair, it is not only that girls can have long hair.

How long would cocaine get out of hair system if only used once?

It has been know to take up to 6 years but usually only take 3-4

How much longer will your hair be in one month if you dont get a hair cut?

your hair should grow about 1/2 inch a month. i haven't cut my hair in about 8 months. i have only cut of my split ends. i went from my hair being from my shoulders to my boobs.