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Yes of course it does. It will remain in your body just as long as illegal weed would. Weed is weed.

no its doesnt stay in your system at all. it has no THC

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Q: Does legal weed stay in your system?
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The same as weed, which it's made from.

How long will 3 hit of weed stay in your system?

24 hours

How long will one small hit of weed stay in your system?

One small hit of weed can stay in your system for up to 3-7 days, but it may vary depending on factors such as metabolism, frequency of use, and body composition.

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How long does legal weed stay in your system?

my friend said he saw a debate about legal weed on tv, between a doctor and the lady who was trying to make it illeagal. and the lady sounded so excited because they have a drug test for it now. until the doctor said that the chemicals that are in legal bud are so small that it dispearses in the body in about 10 minutes. becauseits such a small amount. its basicaly untracable.

How long does weed stay in your system if you only smoked a couple of bowls and are not a regular smoker?

Depending on your amount of body fat, it can stay in your system for thirty days.

Is weed legal on Maryland?

Weed is not legal anywhere, by federal law.

Is smoking weed legal?

Ofcourse its not legal. If smoking weed was legal, then people wouldn't be hiding it from police and higher authorities. If it was legal you would be able to grow it in your backyard or buy it from the shops. However, weed is illegal and it can kill you. And weed will never be legal!