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Q: How long does smoking a very small amt of marijuana stay in your urine if tested?
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What a good way to get marijuana out of your urine?

Quit smoking joints; get clean !

Is there a way to beat a marijuana urine test?

dont smoke have someone else's urine istead of the smoker's urine get tested

What drugs are being tested for in urine and what are the acceptable limits?

I don't know the limits but they test urine for marijuana

What would cause a positive result on a urine test for marijania?

Smoking marijuana.

How long do marijuana THC stay in your urine if you smoke 3 to 4 times a day?

This will depend on when you stop smoking the marijuana. If you continue to smoke every single day, the THC will remain in your urine until you stop smoking.

After smoking marijuana how long does it take to show in your urine?

it will stay in ur system for around 6 weeks depending on the body.. and of course drinking alot of water and cranberry juice will help minimize the length of it in ur system... but it usually takes 4-6 weeks for it to leave ur body

How long marijuana in urine if you have stopped?

Depending on when you stopped and frequency of the smoking either 2 to 10 days.

If you had a small piece of marijuana in your mouth would it show up in a urine screen?

depends if the marijuana was swallowed yet or not.

How long will marijuana stay in body weight about 220 lbs and 5'9'' tall and have not smoke marijuana for two months how long marijuana stay in urine and blood?

probably some were from a month to like 50 days in your urine. blood idk. marijuana stays in your urine up to a month if not more but you would have to be smoking or eating alot of it usually for urine yeah the case is it will pass in 30 days but blood can go back farther and im not sure on it but if you got a hair folicle test your screwed it tells what every drug you've ever done so be smart dont get yourself caught in the situation where you have to be tested.

How long is a urine test for marijuana kept for retesting?

Tested positive for marijuana, they're going to retest same sample, now ten days old. will results still be positive?

Can you get infected with HIV if you smoked marijuana with someones HIV infected urine?

Not sure if I understand your question. But, the answer is no you cannot get HIV from smoking anything.

Can you pass urine after marijuana?

If you're asking whether you can pass a drug-test after smoking pot - the answer is no ! It stays in your system for weeks - perhaps months !