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If you're asking whether you can pass a drug-test after smoking pot - the answer is no ! It stays in your system for weeks - perhaps months !

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8mo ago

Yes, consuming marijuana can lead to increased urination as it is a diuretic, meaning it can increase the production of urine by the kidneys.

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Q: Can you pass urine after marijuana?
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Is there anything that will help pass a urine test for marijuana?

Attempting to cheat or alter a urine test for marijuana may have consequences if caught. It is best to be honest about marijuana use and its potential impact on the test results. Drinking plenty of water and exercising to increase metabolism may help to naturally eliminate THC from the body over time.

Does marijuana use change urine smell?

Yes, marijuana use can potentially change the smell of urine. Compounds from marijuana can be excreted in urine, altering its odor. Additionally, marijuana use can lead to dehydration, which can result in more concentrated urine that may have a stronger smell.

How long will marijuana stay in body weight about 220 lbs and 5'9'' tall and have not smoke marijuana for two months how long marijuana stay in urine and blood?

Marijuana can stay in urine for up to 30 days for occasional users. As for blood, traces of marijuana can typically be detected for up to a week after last use. However, individual factors such as metabolism and frequency of use can influence these detection times.

How long does it take for a single use of marijuana to get out of your urine?

It can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks for marijuana to completely clear out of your urine, depending on factors like frequency of use, metabolism, and hydration levels. In general, for a single-use, it may take about 3-7 days for marijuana to be undetectable in a urine test.

Can you do anything to help pass a nicotine urine test?

is there anything to help pass a nicotine urine test

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What should I do to pass my urine and blood test for drug Marijuana detection?

Don't use marijuana.

What works better to pass a urine test for marijuana?

Not doing drugs.

How can you pass a Urine drug test at a methadone clinic Wednesday for marijuana?

Easy, they don't generally care about marijuana at methadone maintenance clinics.

Does Jamaican Cerasee tea help you pass a marijuana urine test?

As long as you have sex with it first.

If you smoked marijuana for the first time 3 weeks ago will you pass a urine test?

More than likely.

Can you pass a urine test smoking bayou blaster?

Yes. Bayou Blaster is a type of synthetic marijuana( which doesn't contain THC) so you can pass a urine test or any other type of drug testing.

Is there any way to speed up the process of getting marijuana out of your system to pass a urine test?

No. It is in the fat and hair cells. If you want to pass a test don't use.

Does Knox gelatin clear out your system of marijuana?

No. However it can help you pass a drug test. Your supposed to take it an hour before and it will coat your urine and you'll pass, but your urine will be clear causing suspicion, so u need to take vitamin B after ingesting to put color in your urine.

Does a marijuana home urine test fail if you put anything else than urine on it cause I was thinking if i just put a drop of water on it instead of my urine?

Yes .. To pass a test just drink 2 gallons of water a day for 4 days . You should pass your drug test .

How can you pass a urine test if you use marijuana daily?

You can't. Posting any suggestions on how to pass is illegal, by the way. So don't do it. I second the person above me, theres no way, your system is dead inside exactly what is there to show? Hope you dont use marijuana

Can clean marijuana out of the urine?
