It's is impossible to say because how long you have to walk will depend on how many calories you ingest, how fast you walk, and how much you weight. However, an average person must walk about 5 miles per day every day to burn the equivalent of a pound of fat.
dance for about five to six hours straight, lose 1 pound
It take 3500 calories to lose 1 pound. On average running a mile will minus you about 100 calories or so.
2.5 hours to lose 1 pound. You must be going at least 7 miles an hour
You can't.
There are 3,500 calories in a pound. How much a person weighing 212 pounds, burns walking a mile, depends on how fast they are walking. At the speed of 20 minutes per mile, a person weighing 212 pounds would have to walk close to 32 miles to burn 1 pound.
work out
1 pound 1 pound
1 Pound
The Atkins diet
Want to know the real weight you are weigh your self when you first get up in the morning
just drink water and salad for one day and depending on how good you did you can lose more then 1 pound
No way to do it. You can lose 1-2 pounds a week.