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It's not a good idea. The cannabinoids will get into the baby's body, which is probably not a good thing. Although cannabinoids can give some health benefits to adults, babies would be extremely vulnerable to disruptions in development (especially neurological) due to the marijuana.

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14y ago
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15y ago

If you intend on breastfeeding you should not smoke, for that time being, but typically marijuana leaves the system within 30 days. Sadly, I have yet to read any studies on marijuana in breast milk. The THC will not be gone from your body in 30 days. Milk is high in fat to nourish the baby's developing brain. THC is fat soluble and "it's estimated that THC can have a half life that ranges anywhere from 1-10 days. It's almost impossible to find out what that half life is, which means that it is very difficult to use it to calculate how long it will take for all of the THC to leave your body. " The concept of "half-life" is that if the half-life is 10 days, half of the original load will be gone. Ten days later, half of that half will be gone, leaving you with a quarter of what you started with. After 30 days, you would have only gone through 3 half-lives so you would still have an eighth of what you had started with. If you are going to expose your baby to THC, you ought to let your pediatrician know so it will make it easier to diagnose the baby's developmental problems that will almost inevitably result from your selfish choice.

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15y ago

i believe it isn't safe because it affectsen your internal body functions and anything inside you
so it isn't safe i belive that it is not very good at all to smoke weed at all befor or after having the baby

but if you do then somthing bad will happen

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12y ago

You get pregnant as a result of a sperm conbining with an egg, whether you have smoked maijuana won't effect this in the slightest.

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17y ago

Yes, everything you eat/smoke affects breastmilk. Not to mention your clothing would reak of it and the baby could get high from that.

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16y ago

Breast milk is sterile. So quality would not be affected but quantity can be

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14y ago

I have read that it can stay in your system and breastmillk up to maybe 7 days, I'm not positive but If i were you I would wait till you arent nursing at all.

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14y ago

You should not be smoking marijuana and breastfeeding. While there is no solid evidence that marijuana usage can effect breast milk, it is best to avoid it entirely.

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