If you just mean flipping up into your nose to hide it, you don't need to wait at all! Got mine done and flipped it that night to hide from my mom
a septum piercing never closes completly, sorry
when its fully healed.. prolly round 8 months(:
It depends where you are. I live in Perth, Western Australia. I checked out two places before I got my Septum done, Piercing Places Fremantle was easiest to get to but had a cost of around $75 with jewllery. Glamour, on the outskirts of Freo, offered the same thing at only $50, they alsO have one use needles. They are clean and know what they're doing, they did both my septum and navel with not a single complication in the year and a half I've had them. I suggest exploring your area and checking prices cos it can save you alot of money in the long run. Hope this helps xx
Within the first few days to a week (7days) if the jewellery is removed the piercing will heal quite quickly (due to the nature of the tissue we are dealing with). That is only if the jewellery is taken out and left out mind you, if you remove the jewellery to change it to something else (within a few minutes 15 tops) the piercing will stay open and allow you to replace the jewellery with something else without fear of loosing the piercing.
2-3 months before the piercing can be submerged. You can go swimming now as long as the piercing doesnt get wet.
well i did my septum piercing about 1 week ago and i dont feel anything anymore C: i just feel a small pinch when i touch my nosee d: Clean it with warm water mixed with salt and then put some triple antibiotic ointment on it! It heals a bit faster,trust me it does wonders C:
After 6weeks you can take it out.
It depends on how long you have had the piercing. if its new about a couple mins to an hour maybe depends on the body part you put the piercing. if you had it for a while it could take a couple days to close or a month
As long as there is jewellery in the piercing the piercing will not scar, it will form new tissue that makes up the piercing. If the jewellery is removed before the piercing is allowed to heal completely this tissue will join together and form scar tissue.
one to three months
No Having any form of lump or bump next to a closed piercing indicates there is some form of issue with the piercing. This also depends on how long the jewellery has been out of the piercing and how long you had the piercing before removing the jewellery. If you develop any pain or discomfort seek the assistance of your doctor.
It really depends on the type of piercing and long you've had the piercing.