The earliest you can take a pregnancy test is 2 weeks after sex. It takes 2 weeks until conception has finished.
Usually two weeks after conception.
Find out when your due date is because you can work out your conception date from that
you can misscarry your baby as long as you are pregnant.from com conception until you are full term. you can misscarry your baby as long as you are pregnant.from com conception until you are full term.
You get pregnant at the time of conception and it only takes a split second for it to happen.
Fertilization happens sooner than conception. Conception means 'to get pregnant", so females get pregnant after fertilization.
I want to know how long can be pregnant?
Yes, you can. When I was pregnant with my son, I knew I was pregnant the day after conception because my breasts were very sore from conception until the 2nd trimester.
there is no such thing as a conception pill - that is not how you get pregnant
You cannot. You must wait at least 14 days after intercourse to determine if conception was successful.
14 days after conception a woman can determine pregnancy with a pregnancy test.
Modern home pregnancy tests are pretty accurate and can detect the chemical markers for pregnancy about 6-12 days after conception. There are (more expensive, laboratory only) tests that are able to detect pregnancy as little as 48 hours after conception. If you're asking how long it takes to take the test ... not long at all, maybe 15 minutes.
If you know your due date, the doctor or midwife can probably tell you when (roughly) you got pregnant. Also, there are many online sites that can tell you your conception date if you know your due date