there is no such thing as a conception pill - that is not how you get pregnant
None, it's too early.
You just won't have a period. but don't do that too often.
It's too late for contraception if your period is already late.
No, it's not too late for implantation bleeding. Take another test in a week
It may be too late, but there is a good chance it can still be used. You should see yoru doctor as soon as possible anyway, to avoid complications.
Well i wouldn't worry about it after about a week
Because you interested the ring one week too late you could of conceived during this week. If you experience symptoms see your doctor for a pregnancy blood test.
Hi, No you can't double up now as its too late. Your BC pills will not of been working effectively when you missed a pill and if you had unprotected sex during this time there is a 2% chance of conception occurring.
Embryo, between the 3rd and 8th week. Fetus, after the 8th week