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I think your boyfriend just asked the same question.

Depending on where you live, your relationship ( sexual ) may be illegal.

Your father will most likely not be happy.

If the state or provincial police found out, they may take an interest in your relationship.

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Q: How do you tell your parents your boyfriend is 13 years older than you?
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It is illegal for you and your boyfriend to have sexual relations in England and Wales, but not in Scotland. You don't tell your parents. You break up with your boyfriend and find someone that is not in his 20s.

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Tell them, it's better than an older boyfriend. Ask the age difference between your parents and relate it to you and your boyfriend.

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If you a teen don't tell them, your too young. But if your twenty Or older, then confidently tell them you love him, and want him forever.

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Tell your parents that you've been dating this guy for a while and that it's going steady and that you really want to be able to came to them in future and then just say well he's a little older than me and say his age it'll sound better than he's 3 years older than me!! Hope this helped x

Can you have your first kiss at 8 years old?

Yes you can but first tell your parents you have a boyfriend/girlfriend

Can you have a boyfriend and not tell your parents at age 8?

No, when you are 8 years old you should playing with barbies not dating.

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You just tell him

Your boyfriend is mean to you and you don't know what to do?

You don't put up with it and get out of that relationship as soon as possible - if you are afraid of leaving tell your parents or someone you trust that is older.

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You should tell her! She will probably have good advice. If youre worried - just wait until you and your boyfriend are more serious.

What if your sister has a boyfriend and my parents dont no?

Well, if you know that she has a boyfriend that's great. But never let your parents know. Let your sister tell them. Talk with your sister and convince her to tell your parents.

How do you tell your parents about your boyfriend?

Just say dad (but i prefer mom) I have something to confess and tell them!!AnswerJust say dad (but i prefer mom) I have something to confess and tell them!! Don't hide it. A boyfriend is something that shouldn't be hidden. If you are to scared to tell your parents, then what's the point about a boyfriend. Parents then boyfriends