Well, if you know that she has a boyfriend that's great. But never let your parents know. Let your sister tell them. Talk with your sister and convince her to tell your parents.
That is your sister! Dont do that, you may think you love him, but what if something happens between you and the boyfriend, then you will loose your sister and the guy. trust me when i say dont do it. You will loose more than you gain.
You get over it. You're 15.
you should only introduce your boyfriend to your parents if its a serios relationship if not then dont even bother. If you want instead you colud just tell them you have a boyfriend
Just because your parents don't like your boyfriend doesn't mean you have to break up with him, It's up to you. If you like him stay with him.
Yes but you have to hide him from your parents because i have one and my parents dont know about it. Im already in a relationship.
Talk to her and talk to your parents- whatever you do, dont bully back!!
Get used to it and join the club. It'll be awhile, trust me.
You are not related to your boyfriend's sister, although you and she may be friends. If you were to marry your boyfriend, she would be your sister-in-law.
NO its not ok to date your sister ex boyfriend that nasty to date your sister ex boyfriend i would never date my sister ex boyfriend and i hope she wont date my ex boyfriend
dont tell them about just say that your goinq out with your friends :)
Absent any other twists... your sister's boyfriend is also your cousin, for example, so that your sister's boyfriend's cousin is your brother or something... it is completely fine to date your sister's boyfriend's cousin if you want to.
Tamera's boyfriend