If he looks at you and smiles before blushing and turning away, or turns red when your around him. Those are two good ways to tell that somethings up.
when he is always looking at u and he smiles when he hears your voice
You ask him.
Yes he because if he truly like her than he can.
You will catch him/her taking glances at you!:)
I would say so. He interested in you.
just hold his hand and keep quiet! he will need to understand you
If He Is That Nice He Has Got To Be Worth The Risk
You can tell when a shy guy likes by observing a few signs. If he likes being around you, laughs at your jokes, compliments you, and does nice things for you, this may mean he really likes you.
He probably still likes you but is to shy to tell you. Maybe he found out your guy friend told you that he likes you so now he is changing his story because he is shy.
Just tell him
Talk to him and be yourself. If he likes you, great. If not, move on.
There is a way you can tell if a shy guy likes you. if he's the type of quiet guy than just look at the way he looks at you and if he blushes than he must like you of course it depends on the personality! Also if you tend to notice that even though he is shy but he talks to you and laughs with you then he must feel open to you and have a connection with you...things could work out. But if he doesn't like to communicate with you or others than just back off! you don't want to make him feel uncomfortable.