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go out with her friend

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Q: How do you tell a Indian woman is attracted to you?
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How do you tell a woman is attracted to you?

go out with her friend

How do you know when woman who is engaged is attracted to you?

You can tell by her bodly language and what she says to u.

How do you know if a gay man fancies a woman?

A man who identifies as gay is attracted exclusively to other males. He would not be attracted to a female. It is also impossible to tell for sure if somebody is attracted to someone else unless they tell you.

How do you tell if a man is attracted to another woman?

check his cell usally answers r alwase there. :) good luck

If you're a woman and you're attractive to another woman. Should you tell her?

If she's straight, then no. If you do tell her it will only negatively affect whatever relationship you have. There is nothing you could do to get her to be attracted to you, so it's best you just keep it to yourself.

Are woman attracted to men who can dance?

Some are, some aren't. It's different for every woman and who they are attracted to.

What makes a woman a lesbian?

A woman who is not sexually/physically attracted to men, but is sexually/physically attracted to women, is a lesbian.

Are spiders attracted to pigs?

Yes Spiders are attracted to spiders like i'm attracted to woman

What is a gay woman?

A gay woman is a woman who is attracted to members of the same sex.

How do you tell if a guy is sexually attracted to you-?

You can tell if a guy is sexually attracted to you by how he treats you. If he is always trying to touch to you and get close, he may be sexually attracted to you.

How do you know when a woman is attracted to you?

They will like you

Why a man gets erection even if he is not love with that woman?

You can still be physically attracted to a woman even if you don't love her which something obviously attracted/stimulated you concerning this woman.