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A woman who is not sexually/physically attracted to men, but is sexually/physically attracted to women, is a lesbian.

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Q: What makes a woman a lesbian?
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Does it makes you not a lesbian?

If you are a lesbian, nothing can make you "not a lesbian."

What is lesiban?

Do you mean a lesbian? A lesbian is a woman(or girl) who likes another woman(or girl!).

What should i think if another woman said she would marry me if was a man Is she a lesbian too?

this makes you sound desperate...

How do you know if your woman is a lesbian or not?

If she eats pussy...she is a lesbian (or bisexual).

What can you get when you are a lesbian?

can get sex with a woman

How do you lesbian?

if your a girl and you like girls that makes you a lesbian

What is the difference between a woman and lesbian?

A woman is any female. A lesbian is a certain type of female that is attracted to other females.

What is a lesbian mistress?

A lesbian mistress is a woman who is involved sexually with another woman who is in a relationship. A mistress, in general, is the "other woman" that someone, man or woman, is cheating on their partner with.

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If you are a lesbian who would get pregnant when they have sx?

Woman-to-woman will not result in pregnancy.

What makes a lesbian a real lesbian?

There really isn't any way to define anyone in that way. It's like asking what is funny or what is "normal." A woman who is attracted to other women but (usually) not men, is a lesbian. Homosexual women are called lesbians and homosexual men are called gay men.

What makes you gay lesbian?

Being gay or lesbian means being attracted to individuals of the same sex or gender. This attraction is a natural part of who someone is, just like being straight is for others. It is about being true to oneself and embracing one's identity and feelings.