Place a blue tunnel, with two heads on it, somewhere on the side of the track. If you design/make a letter, send it into a that blue tunnel. It will hopefully come back empty. A second train with mail in it should arrive. Drive it past the post office and enjoy reading your letter
Lego Loco happened in 1998.
Lego Loco was created in 1998.
from a depot dah!
You can download logo loco from the site posted in the Related Links section below.
6years-99years, it says it on the gameboxs of Lego Loco and more!
You can get a LEGO UNIVERSE SPIDER if you send Pr Brickkeeper a letter saying GIMME A STICKER.
yes with 7 dont know 8
Download or put on a Game CD if you have one!
take a photo of it and send it to Lego/coolcreations to the Lego address
Yes, exit game instead of waiting do something on the computer or not on the computer, play Lego Loco again and they are humans but you can get new humans instead of puting houses and you stiil get a few skeletons
Yes you can play it on Vista. You do have to change the color setting.
The poppa first Lego game was on PC/computer called Lego Rock railders then Lego Loco came out for PC and other Lego games came out. However the first Major Lego game was Lego star wars the video game which was avaulublel on other consoles.