LEGO newsletter and the Lego magazine.
The first international business magazine to publish an India edition is forbes magazine.
Yes the Lego store does in fact sale a Lego Castle kit. You will have to visit their store or go online to their website.
You have to be a Lego club member in order to get Lego club magazine module on my Lego network. you do this by either getting the actual magazine or going to Lego club and typing in MAGAWARD. then make the badge, befriend Max, and trade on his page. Lego Network Username: Nathan6342
The club code is: MAGAWARD .
A Lego car kit can be bought at almost any Lego dealer or toy store. Good places to check are Toys-R-Us and Walmart to see if they have the Lego car kit you are looking for.
You can find them with a Lego kit sometimes
You subsrice to club lego using your acount.
The first Lego helicopter kit was released back in 1973. This kit included a Red Cross helicopter. However in 1973 Lego mini figures had not yet been introduced so there were none in this kit.
The LEGO Kit Fisto Mini-figure comes in the LEGO Star Wars set 7661 - Jedi Starfighter with Hyperdrive Booster Ring.
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