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Only 1 screw is visible, there are 2. Remove front sight hood, drive dove tail blade out from left to right. The other screw is visible now. Remove both screws and the ramp comes off.

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Q: How do you remove the front sight on a Winchester model 70?
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How do you remove the front sight on a Winchester Model 94?

The front sight is mounted on a "dove tail", you just tap it out of the notch in the ramp with a hammer and a punch or drift pin. The ramp is welded on, you cant take it off.

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Best left to a trained gunsmith.

How do you remove the rear sight on a Winchester Model 94?

drift out with punch from left to right, muzzle pointed away from you.

What company made rear sights for Winchester model 70 1953?

The standard mod 70 had a Winchester bead front sight on a ramp base with a sight cover. The standard rear sight was a Winchester 22G open sight. The rifles chambered for .375 H&H Mag had the Lyman 6W folding rear sight. Model 70 National Match (chambered for .30-06 only) had a Lyman No. 77 front sight on a forged ramp sight base and a Lyman No. 48WH rear sight. All receivers were tapped and drilled for popular scope and iron sights. The Model 70 Super Grade had a Redfield full gold bead front sight on a ramp with sight cover and a Winchester 22G open rear sight. (with acknowledgement to The Gun Digest, seventh edition, 1953)

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Let a gunsmith do it.

Where can you find the front bead sight for model 140 Winchester?

Go to and click on winchester. These folks have more parts for guns than anybody in the world.

Is there a Winchester model 61 that has a 28 inch barrel?

Yes, but they are very rare. Octagon barrel Special order. Can have optional features such as tang sight and front sight fold down beech front. Extremely rare!

How do you remove front sight blade on Remington 742 rifle?

1. Remove the screw to the rear of the front sight ramp.2. Remove the "blade" from the front sight ramp.3. Remove the screw from the front of the front sight ramp (which was formerly seated under the "blade").

What is the correct rear sight for a Winchester model 94?

Most came with a tooth ramped iron sight.But there could be different styles depending on the age of your Winchester model 1894 rifle,such as a peep sight,a full buckhorn sight,etc.

Does the pre 64 model 94 without peep sight have a brush guard over the sight on end of barrel?

Winchester buckhorns often came with hoods. Look at the sides of the front sight ramp.Are there slots cut into the sides of the ramp? If there are, the sight originally came with a hood.

What model of Lyman tang sight fits a Winchester 9422?

Lyman is currently only producing the #2 tang sight, which is not designed for the Winchester 9422. Marble's makes a tang sight for the Winchester 9422. The LR version requires the 009812 sight and the 9422 Magnum requires the 009837 sight.

Was the peep sight more preferred on Winchester's model 69 22?