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drift out with punch from left to right, muzzle pointed away from you.

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Q: How do you remove the rear sight on a Winchester Model 94?
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Where can you get a rear sight ramp for a Winchester model 1894?

Start with then eBay and

What is the correct rear sight for a Winchester model 94?

Most came with a tooth ramped iron sight.But there could be different styles depending on the age of your Winchester model 1894 rifle,such as a peep sight,a full buckhorn sight,etc.

What company made rear sights for Winchester model 70 1953?

The standard mod 70 had a Winchester bead front sight on a ramp base with a sight cover. The standard rear sight was a Winchester 22G open sight. The rifles chambered for .375 H&H Mag had the Lyman 6W folding rear sight. Model 70 National Match (chambered for .30-06 only) had a Lyman No. 77 front sight on a forged ramp sight base and a Lyman No. 48WH rear sight. All receivers were tapped and drilled for popular scope and iron sights. The Model 70 Super Grade had a Redfield full gold bead front sight on a ramp with sight cover and a Winchester 22G open rear sight. (with acknowledgement to The Gun Digest, seventh edition, 1953)

How do you remove the rear sight on a Winchester 290?

Use a punch and tap it across the barrel. Its a dove tail joint.

What is correct rear sight for Winchester model 1894 25-35 cal 1897 manufacture?

Requires professional appraisal.

How do you adjust the sight on the 1892 Winchester rifle?

adjust rear sight up for distance

What is the proper rear sight for a model 1894 saddle ring carbine 30-30 caliber made in 1909?

Unless a different sight was special-ordered, it would have come with the Series 26 rear sight, which was made in-house by Winchester.

What is the value of Model 1890 Winchester pump third edition case harden adjustable rear sight serial number 254369?

the Winchester 1890 is a fine 22 cal plinker. check with '' and look under winchester 1890 model for sale price

How do i buy a rear sight for a Winchester model 270 pump22 rifle?

I would start my search at numrich gun parts corp.They can be found on the web.

How do you tighten the rear sight on the barrel on a 94 Winchester?

You will need the help of a gunsmith.

Where can you get instructions on the care and cleaning of a Winchester Model 1917?

Use Google and search for '1917 Enfield rear sight'. There are a number of websites that can help you with disassembly, etc. Start with

Where can you find a new receiver sight for a Winchester model 68 22 and what is it worth?

The Winchester Model 68 bolt action single shot .22 was made from 1934-46. It did not have a rear sight mounted on the barrel, but had a receiver mounted Winchester No. 96A peep sight (books at $20-40). As options, Winchester offered the Lyman No. 55W or 57ES Receiver Sights ($25-75). The hunt for old gunsights can pretty interesting. Lyman is still in business, and may be of some help. Good luck. By the way, the rifle (with sights) books from $275 at 100% to $50 at 60% condition.