The standard mod 70 had a Winchester bead front sight on a ramp base with a sight cover. The standard rear sight was a Winchester 22G open sight. The rifles chambered for .375 H&H Mag had the Lyman 6W folding rear sight.
Model 70 National Match (chambered for .30-06 only) had a Lyman No. 77 front sight on a forged ramp sight base and a Lyman No. 48WH rear sight. All receivers were tapped and drilled for popular scope and iron sights.
The Model 70 Super Grade had a Redfield full gold bead front sight on a ramp with sight cover and a Winchester 22G open rear sight.
(with acknowledgement to The Gun Digest, seventh edition, 1953)
your Winchester model 61 was produced in 1953.
your model 52 Winchester was made in 1953.
Your winchester model 1894 was made by winchester in 1953.
Your winchester model 1894 rifle was made by winchester in 1953.
your Winchester model 1894 was produced in 1953.
If you are asking when it was produced?Then your Winchester model 61 was made by Winchester in 1953,with the serial number that you provided.
Your winchester model 12 shotgun was made by winchester in 1953.
Your Winchester model 12 shotgun was made in 1953.