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You don't :P

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u can't

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Q: How do you read friends inbox Facebook?
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Where is the Inbox on Facebook?

you go onto the top part of the facebook screen. it will say " Home-Profile-Friends-Inbox". you click on the Inbox and there you are, at your inbox

Can people see what you write and talk about on your facebook inbox?

No, everything in your facebook inbox is private. Writing on friends' walls and commenting on status', however, is not so everyone will be able to see that.

Can a facebook inbox message be read on your cell phone bill?

not on your phone bill.

How do you talk to friends on facebook?

You would use Facebook chat or you would send them a private message via the inbox feature.

If i text somebody on facebook messanger and im not friends with them on facebook will they get the message?

If writing someone that you are not friends on Facebook they will still get the message. The message sometimes go the "other folder" and not the "inbox folder".

How do you inbox someone on facebook?

You inbox someone by messaging them. If you inbox someone his/her message will go to his/her inbox.

What is an inbox on Facebook?

an inbox on facebook is where people can email you messages that only you can see. After you receive their message and read it, you may also reply to it.

What does it mean on Facebook when they say inbox you?

If they say 'Inbox me!' or something like that they mean they want you to add them as a friend on facebook.

Can i go read messages of someone else inbox in facebook?

No, you cannot typically read the messages of someone's inbox on the Facebook website. You may be able to read someone's messages if they used your device and did not log out from the Facebook website.

Can you still be on someones friendlist but block them from sending messages to your inbox?

I think if you block a person on facebook, he/she is removed from the friends list.

How do you stop Facebook chat from saving in your Facebook inbox?

I dont think you can but you can delete an inbox message which will probably clear the chat?

Can my friends on Facebook read my questions?

No, your friends on Facebook can't read your questions unless you are signed on via Facebook and allow your posts to show. It may then show up in recent activity on your homepage.