You open the door by shaking the iPod or whatever you have and when it is unlocked you grab the torch and put it on the spider web to burn it and then walk in.
to get games you must go to the app store which is already on every ipod usually the first time you put your ipod on your app store is the blue app with a A on it in the bottom right corner click on that and you can browse the store to get games click category's which can be found in the bottom of your screen and click games and then all games but if you wish to browse the free apps at the top of the screen their should be a button that says free apps click that and then browse the games when you find one you like click it and by the app icon on the right there will be a little button that says its price (free) if you clicked free apps then the button ill change yo a install button click the install button and enter your itunes account password you have to do this even if the app is free. BTW : usually there is a good game but costs money usually if you search that game in the search engine and add lite at the end of it you can get a free version( it isn't the full version but its exactly the same but usually 1 or 2 differents. hope this helps . :)
make a homebrew channel app to do it. That right now is the only answer I can think of. I contacted Nintendo and they said they are probably not going to put out changeable backgrounds.
The app that you can use to put cartoon faces on a picture is known as the Draw a Cartoon Face App or the Two Faces app. These apps are free for download from the app store.
As far as I'm concerned there is no is app for that put you can make folders on your home screen put them in.
there in the app store
Installing the free Facebook app (See links below) from the iTunes app store will put Facebook on an iPod Touch.
There was an update for the ipod touch about 7 months ago and it allowed you to change the background on your ipod and you can also change the lock screen
if you have wifi then you can go to the app store on the ipod touch and download it, or you could go on to itunes and get the app there I get the iPod Converter for put DVD and video to iPod touch without jailbreaking it.
You can do this two ways, the first way is to download them straight from the App Store app on your iPod Touch. The second way is to download them on iTunes and then transfer them from iTunes to your iPod Touch. Note: Internet and an Apple account is required
You can do this two ways, the first way is to download them straight from the App Store app on your iPod Touch. The second way is to download them on iTunes and then transfer them from iTunes to your iPod Touch. Note: Internet and an Apple account is required
It depends on what ipod gen. you have. For ipod touch generation 1, 2, and 3, you can't put a background unless you jailbreak your device and get the right app from Cydia. For ipod touch generation 4, select the picture you want and set for your homescreen or wallpaper. As far as I know you don't need to jailbreak Itouch 4 to set a background. :P
It's available as an app for ipod touch/iphone/ipad.
You have to sync (autofill) on your computer.
Its already there. If not, go to the app store, if not that. Reset your ipod
yes, you can, but you need an interpreter to put in the app.
16gb Ipod Touch- 3,500 songs 20 hours of video= $299.00