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Leave the cartilage and any other body piercing to a professional piercer, the risk is too high and not worth the risk to your health.

This site is not geared to providing how to information that can lead to personal injury.

The reasons you should not attempt to pierce your self should be obvious, but for those who think it's a "DIY" project, here's some food for thought.

Infection and contraction of MRSA, HIV, Meningitis, Hepatitis and Tetanus are all very serious health issues, MRSA is an antibiotic resistant bacteria that can in most cases land the unlucky individual in the hospital (and has been responsible for serious deformities and deaths). These infections has been caused by using unsterilized equipment and materials. Sterilization is not achieved by pouring alcohol over needles and jewellery, or burning these items over a fire or exposed flame. Microorganisms live in the fine fissures and cracks in needles and jewellery and only the high temperature and pressure of a steam Autoclave can render these and many other bacteria harmless.

The above reasons alone should be enough to sway anyone from thinking they can do it themselves. Professional body piercers have years for hands on training and education to enable them to make any piercing "look simple", when in fact they are considering dozens of things when they lay out a piercing and actually do it. So consider your lack of knowledge, training and skills before you attempt to do any self piercing, once you pierce it, it's damaged tissue. This makes it even more difficult for a professional piercer to leave you with a great looking piercing when the area we have to work with is damaged by self inflicted attempts.

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15y ago

There are things in life you just don't do yourself, because you don't have a clue what you are doing, you are young and at this point "stupid" and that's fine. But don't let the "stupid" over ride your common sense. Ear cartilage piercings are very serious piercings and can cause serious side effects if done incorrectly and with the wrong materials.

You don't have the knowledge or training let alone the equipment to do any form of piercing let alone a Ear cartilage, safely or correctly. Please use your head and common sense, see a professional body piercer in your area who does have the training and qualifications to provide the service to you safely and correctly.

Body Piercing Guidelines or "I want a piercing, now what"

  1. All Body Piercing studios are regulated and work under regional and local health and city licensing regulations. What you may want may not be legal in your area so call and check with your local studios.
  2. Age limits can vary from city to city and state/province to state/province, contact your local body piercing studios (under the yellow pages "Body Piercing" ) they will tell you what the age limits are for your area.
  3. Identification is aways needed (Birth certificate, Student card, Drivers license) Parental consent is consent from the legal parents (Mother or Father). Grand parents, Sister, Brother, Second Cousin twice removed doesn't cut it sorry. Unless they are your legal guardians assigned by the courts and have documented proof or this, it just won't work.
  4. Prices for piercings vary from shop to shop and city to city. Be sure you phone and ask them what the total price is including any *aftercare solutions they may try to sell you (* Professional body piercing studios won't try to sell you aftercare solution, they will recommend cleansers and soaps but that's it if you want it they will sell it but they will not force you to buy it.)
  5. Do your research, check these places out and find a studio that you are comfortable with, talk to the piercer and discuss you wishes. If at any time you feel like you are being ignored or rushed leave, find somewhere else. Good shops will be busy, but they will also want you to book your appointment, this way they have their full attention on you not everyone else who is asking questions (that's a good thing).
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15y ago

The most effective way to pierce any body part is go to to a reputable piercer.

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Go to a professional :)

DIY jobs rarely end well.

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Q: How do you pierce your own second piercings in your ear?
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RIGHT,everyones on here going on about how dangerous piercings are if you do then at home, however, if you do it the right way then that's fine(Y)obvs some home piercings have gone so wrong or perfectand judging on what some people have experienced or know someone whos experienced a home piercing that's gone rong are on here saying how its bad and stufff. tbh i don't see whats rong, the piercing shops use a needle for belly,lip, piercings ect. its like when i did my top ear, everyone was on here saying no no no and some people saying go for it, yeah i went for it, and it was fine(Y). rele hoping to pierce my own top lip, but yeh not too sure yet.(Y)your on here to ask questions about how to pierce your own lip, not get put off the whole idea. so yeah go for it if you want to, don't let anyone tell you not to (Y)

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You really should enlist the help of a professional (not a beauty salon, not wal-mart and not the mall), if they try to use a gun RUN! If you really think you must do this on your own you need TWO PRESTERILIZED needles and I find that circular barbells (also sterile) work best in new ear piercings. I did my own piercing at home and they didn't get infected. I took a sewing needle and let it sit in hydrogen peroxide for a hour. Then take two ice cubes and hold them to your ear until the area you want to pierce is numb. Take then needle and push it through the skin you will hear a pop and it will hurt I'm not gonna lie to you it does hurt!! Make sure you don't do your piercings to close together. (I did and i am letting mine heal now and redoing it) Leave the needle in your ear for a few minutes and then take the needle out really fast and put the earring in! if you wait to long the earring wont go in! and it will really hurt to have to redo it! Clean the area twice a day!! other wise it will get infected!!

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Can you pierce your own ear?

Yes, you can. Its a really dumb move though. Too many people don't take piercings seriously. The only people who should pierce themselves are the pros. By piercings yourself, you're risking serious infection, disease contraction, and scar tissue that will prevent re-piercing. The only way to sterilize anything is to use an autoclave. The only way to have the same environment as a pro is to sanitize EVERYTHING. The costs of the cleaning products would be more expensive than just going to a pro. Yes, people get away with piercing themselves but that's just pure luck. Piercing isn't some kind of game. Professionals have to get licenses and take classes to be adequate piercers. Don't jeopardize your health just to save a few bucks.

How do you pierce your own ear and hide the evidence?

Body Piercing is not a hobby or recreational activity, it is a serious procedure that if done incorrectly can cause lasting long term damage to the body. Body Piercing is a service provided by trained and qualified professionals in a controlled environment using only sterilized materials and bio-compatible body jewellery designed for specific piercings. This is site is not designed or intended to provide users with "how to information" that could cause serious injury to themselves or others from the use of posted information. See a professional body piercer for all your piercings.

Is a license required for eyebrow piercings is it illegal to do piercings without parental permission?

Within the UK you are able to sign for your own piercings, as long as it is not genitalia! A license is needed for ALL piercings! If you are unsure if they possess a licence, simply as them! There is no harm in asking!

What do you need to pierce your own lip?

NEVER PIERCE YOURSELF UNLESS YOU ARE A PROFESSIONAL. Considering that you're asking this question, you definitely aren't a pro. Lip piercings can be tricky to pierce in the right place. Your piercer has to look at you lip/teeth/gums to choose the right place to pierce so that it'll sit right and not rub on your gums/teeth. If you do it yourself, you risk infection, nasty scarring, disease contraction and gum or tooth erosion down the road. Which is irreversible. Just save up, and go to a legitimate professional.