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No. Think about that for a minute and ask yourself how you think you can do that without screwing up, really think about it. Yeah now grab the phone book and call a professional body piercing studio and book an appointment. Helix piercings are technically complex piercings meant to be performed by trained experienced body piercers. This is not a ear lobe, this is deep ear cartilage and one stupid mistake can do some serious damage. Besides that it is never safe to pierce anything on yourself period.

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Q: Is it safe to pierce your own helix?
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Of course not.

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No. Body piercing should only be done by a trained and experienced professional body piercer working in a licensed and inspected facility.

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its not safe to pierce any part of the body. You are taking the risk of damage a nerve and also you going to end up with a big scar. hope i help

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A professional.

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Yes, it's totally safe. That's how the professionals do it but it's cheaper to do it yourself at home.

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no though i hope you didnt do it to yourself because most of the people i know will give themselves 8 gauge piercings without getting any of the smaller sizes first and will even pierce there own belly buttons

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Yea he was rich

Does Claire's do auricle tragus or forward helix piercings My sister got her cartilage done there but can they do more than that?

Claire's does not do any type of body piercing. They only pierce the ears.

How can you safely pierce your own lip?

If I were you, I'd go to a professional, but make sure you go to someone recommended or else they might use dirty needles, etc. ----------------------- There is no "safe" way to pierce your own lip. If you are hell bent on doing it yourself then I would recommend lots and lots of research and you're going to spend more to do it right at home than you would if you were having it done professionally.

Did Bill kaulitz pierce his piercings by himself?

No Bill Kaulitz didn't pierce his own tongue but im not sure about his eyebrow i don't think he did.