Crosman makes about 50 different '''RIFLES''' you need to state the model you are asking about.
See the link below for Crosman rifle owners manuals
See the link below for the Owners Manual for the Crosman 1077 air rifle
Crosman Corp still has the Owners Manual online. See the link below)
If you are asking about a Crosman Model 760, I suggest you go to the Crosman home page and click on "Download an Owners manual". Crosman still offers the manual on the rifle and not only will you see how to load it but you will also learn other features about the rifle.
See the link below for the Owners Manual.
It all depends on the model and type of rifle. State the model and ask the queston again. Or go to and look up the instruction manual. Crosman has them all posted
Crosman has most all their BB gun/rifle manuals online. (See link below) on the Crosman home page click on the "Download a manual" at the bottom of the web page and locate your manual.
This is a very nice air rifle. It is a .22 caliber not a .177 caliber rifle. it was made in two variations from 1957-1964. See the link below for the Owners manual.
See the CROSMAN Link below.
You have 3 choices. 1. The 760 is an inexpensive air rifle and might not be worth repairing. It may be cheaper to purchase a new one. 2. Crosman offers a service to locate repair shops that service Crosman products. But it may cost more than a new rifle. (see the 1. link below) 3. Repair it yourself. Crosman still has parts for this rifle, But there are 10 different models of this rifle. So you have to determine which one is yours. Down load the parts manual first and locate your part number ( See the 2. Parts manual Crosman link below.) then contact Crosman and order the part (see the 3. link below)
Crosman still has parts for this rifle. contact Crosman at the link below (Customer service) and order the parts you need.
Crosman no longer has parts for this rifle. However there are independent shops that repair older Crosman air guns. Crosman offers a free service to locate these shops. see the link below.
That is a question that has a 50/50 chance of each. You would have to state why and what you would be using that for.