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It all depends on the model and type of rifle. State the model and ask the queston again. Or go to and look up the instruction manual. Crosman has them all posted

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Q: How do you load pellets in a crosman air rifle?
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How do you load a crosman 1077 pellet rifle?

See the link below for the Owners Manual for the Crosman 1077 air rifle

How do you put a recruit Crosman model 525 air rifle?

How do you put WHAT. A pellets in the rifle, a BB in the rifle, Put it back together. your question is incomplete.

Can you load a 177 air rifle with 22 pellets?

No they won't fit. If you force it, it will ruin the rifle.

How do you increase the power of a falcon prairie air rifle?

Add a few drops of Crosman Pellgun oil to your pellets.

How do you load a Crosman 2100 air rifle?

See the link below for the Owners Manual.

Is a crosman phantom 22 air rifle powerful enough to kill a pigeon?

Yes, I suggest using Hollow point ( Hunting ) pellets

Who manufactures Benjamin 5 MM air rifle pellets?

Sheridan ------------------- Correct answer ----------------- In 1977 Benjamin purchased Sheridan air gun Co. In 1995 Crosman purchased Benjamin Air gun Co. Today Crosman owns both the Sheridan and Benjamin name and line of products. Crosman decided to keep the Sheridan name on the 5 mm air rifles and the Benjamin name on the .177 and 5.5 mm air rifles. Crosman produces the pellets for all three products.

How do you assembly a Crosman 1077 air rifle?

See the CROSMAN Link below.

What .177 pellets would work best in an crosman .177 air gun?

I suggest: JSB diabolo, Crosman premier, predator polymag see:

Is there anyway to modify a 495 fps spring air rifle so that it has much faster velocity?

All you can do is use lighter pellets. Try soaking your pellets in Pelgun oil. Put a small sponge in your pellet tin and a few drops of Crosman pelgun oil in with the pellets. His will help lubricate the pellets.

Where to get a breech gasket assembly for a crosman 140 air rifle?

Crosman no longer has parts for this rifle. However there are independent shops that repair older Crosman air guns. Crosman offers a free service to locate these shops. see the link below.

How does the crosman 400 repeater rifle work How do you load it?

This is a very nice air rifle. It is a .22 caliber not a .177 caliber rifle. it was made in two variations from 1957-1964. See the link below for the Owners manual.