Crosman Corp still has the Owners Manual online.
See the link below)
The Crosman 120 is a rifle not a gun. It is a break barrel. Cock the barrel all the way down and load a pellet into the rear of the barrel. Pull the barrel back up and it' is ready to fire.
It was made between 1952-54
The Crosman Model 120 is a single shot .22 Caliber pump action Rifle made between 1952-54. In excellent shap it would be worth between $95 - $120
What is your Question? Are you asking about a CROSMAN model 120 price or problem? Please re-post
Crosman Corp still has the Owners Manual online. You can find your manual here. see the link below
The Crosman model 120 was made between 1952-1954. The has a fore arm pump and shot a .22 caliber pellet not a .177 common pellet. The .22 caliber pellet was loaded through the loading port at the rear of the barrel. .22 caliber pellets are still available through most sporting good stores. Actually it's a very nice rifle.
This is a "Crosman model V350" Mfg 1961-69. In average working condition it is worth $30-$45 in excellent condition it is worth $120 (like new)
Crosman has diagrams for most of their air rifles. I checked and of course the don't have one for the 120, BUT they do have one for the 140 which I believe is very similar Go and click on "Down load a Manual" you will find help there. BTW the take down screw is on the bottom of the stock. OR you can go on-line and find a repair station. Check "Airgun repair" in the web.
The Crosman model V350 in fair condition is worth around $30 in excellent condition it is worth $120. Mfg 1961-69 Add 20% for the box, 200% for the gold plated version and $300-% to 500% for the military version.
This is a "Crosman model V350" Mfg 1961-69. In average working condition it is worth $30-$45 in excellent condition it is worth $120 (like new)
The Daisy model 120 air rifle shoots at 500.fps.
10-100 usd