if shes being sneaky dump her......its proboly because your ugly!
'cos he is now sleeping with me
To know if your girlfriend is uncomfortable around you, if she disproves the things you do around her. You can also know by asking her.
Because leopard is big and mad at girlfriend for sleeping around with mountain lion
Snuggle in with the cat and your girlfriend. :0)
A way for you to know that your girlfriend doesnt like you is the way that she will act around you =[ sowwi
If you didn't know he had a girlfriend tell him off. Why would he want to fool around with you if he already has a girlfriend. Also you might want to tell the girlfriend , she has a right to know what her boyfriend has been doing.
If your girlfriend is sleeping with you this should be considered a good thing. If not then you may want to make your feelings about not sleeping together be known to her.
You get girlfriend by joking around with girl and smile alot around her I know I used to have girlfriend and using this method to get another one
Eff her
Word on the street is she was sleeping around. But that was like 3 years ago. Old news people!!!!
Presumably, it means he would like to know if you're pregnant.
Stop seeing him.