A way for you to know that your girlfriend doesnt like you is the way that she will act around you =[ sowwi
she doesnt want to do it or doesnt like what you are telling her...and doesnt want to tell you or you to know
AWESOME BOOK, but you should read, what my mother doesnt know, before you read, what my girlfriend doesnt know... its the book before what my girlfriend doesnt know!
He totally likes you, but he doesnt know what to do, like.. he doesnt know if you like him, he doesnt know if he should tell his girlfriend he likes someone else.. I can go on and on.. If you like him, tell him, he totally likes you.
you don't. Get to know her before asking her to be your girlfriend!
tell her.
he probobly doesnt know you like him so he's trying to make you jealous
He does that probably because his girlfriend can see that you like him and she doesnt like it and so neither does he.If he doesnt have a girlfriend then he just doesnt like you and he likes some other girl and he thinks that you are holding him back from getting her.
AWESOME BOOK! after you read this one read what my girlfriend doesnt know.. its the sequel to what my mother doesnt know! :)
He Doesnt Have a GirlFriends . . :)
It means He likes you like a Friend, not a GirlFriend.
dnt know her name but he is married...
you know when she doesnt talk to you that much and she doesnt let you hug her or kiss her and she runs away alot that's when you know she has another boyfriend