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you better be a female!

Lots of woman get cramps before having there period. U might also get moody and smaller patiance.

Hope this helps! If not than sorry!

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Q: How do you know when your period is about to come on?
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How do you know when your period is going tocome?

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What if your period came on the 30 of July when will the next time it will come on?

When your period is due depends on your menstrual cycle.We can't tell when your next period will come on when we don't know your cycle length.

How many days after your period end will it come back?

We don't know how long your period lasted. If you have a period every 28 days, your next period will start two days earlier than the one you just had. If you had a period on the 12th, your next one will come on the 10th.

Can you get pregnant 3 days after you come off your period?

i dont know...lets find out ;)

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wait a week after your missed period and if it still hasn't come then you should take a pregnancy test

How would you know you are pregnant?

If you miss your period.Usually your period will come each month as it is suppose to do.But if you soon see no sign of your period and know that u have been involved with a male then it is most likely you are pregnant.

How can you make your period come quicker?

you can not make your period come quicker.

If you are pregnant how do you know?

You know that you are not pregnant .. if you had sex when you were un-fertile (but there is still a chance) and also .. You come on your period on the normal days you would have the other months

Does Pineapple make you have your period early?

No a pineapple will not make your period come sooner

What is the incubation period of the tiger?

i dont know the anser sorri... gut yah then wht did you even have to come on idiot

I am on my fourth week of my period i don't know what to do?

well, do u meen uve been wating 4 weeks and ur period hasn't come or uve had ur period for 4 weeks??

How do you know your period is starting?

You can know when you start getting cramps (when your bladder hurts) and when blood starts to come out of your vigina. Your first period is the worst. You have a lot of blood and get terrible cramps. Sometimes you feel your gonna faint. Your period usually last for 3 to 7 days. A week at the most.