If you miss your period and have had sex that month
Unless you are pregnant or have had a hysterectomy operation, you should have a period each month (28 days perhaps).
If you are having a period, you re not pregnant. You cannot be pregnant until after your last period.
you proubly did not get it this month because you are either pregnant or have a problem so you should see a docter about that
No you are not
You can miss a period when you are the pill and it totally normal do not stop taking your pills!!!! Just take a pregnancy test if it says you are not pregnant then you are not pregnant. Your period should come the next month if seek medical attention.
She will have what is called a missed period. Where you don't get your period for that month. And if that happens then you should take a pergency test to make sure that she is pregnant.
If you get your period you aren't pregnant.
Probably not.
When you are on your period