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He will act really weird

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10mo ago

You may notice inconsistencies in his behavior, such as saying one thing but doing another, or being flaky and unreliable. Trust your instincts and pay attention to how you feel around him; if you sense that something is off or if you feel disrespected, he may be messing with you. Communication is key - if you have doubts, consider having an open and honest conversation with him to clarify his intentions.

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Q: How do you know when a guy is messing with you?
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That depends. Are you friends with this guy? Or do you to barely know each other? If he is your friend then he might just be messing with you. If you barely know each other then it is possible that he finds you attractive.

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Quit messing around with him and see if he stays around. If not he just wants sex.

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say you want to take things slow and if he responds well then you hes not messing with you :) hope this helps

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he probably iked you,i would do the same thing,if i like a guy,i would ask.if he said no i'd act like i was messing around :P

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Make your move and say to the other guy that is messing with her to back off!!

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Nintendo ds...the last guy was messing with you =P

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Invite him and only him to do something with you.

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that he is either messing with you to get on your nervs,he likes you,or he is into older ladys