that he is either messing with you to get on your nervs,he likes you,or he is into older ladys
Go for it girl! Her mom is a mom to you The guy you like is asking you = no problems in his family = perfect relationship !!
It's a compliment to your Mom.
He wants to know how you are doing and still loves you.
My friends hot mom
a nice guy with a large hair comb that eats styx. and his mom is hot
tell her shes going to kiss a hot guy
Don't go out with a girls mom.
Yes! Well, at least your mom thinks so.
Go out with the boy anyway, and tell him to meet you places with you're with your friends and leave your friends for a while and spend time with him. You mom doesn't have to know anything :)
well u being with your mom shows her that you are good material for a guy... its pretty much a fact that a guy will treat a girl the same way he does his mom so if you treat your mom well and respect her that shows her that you will love her in the same way you love your mom.... aka she likes you and she thinks your a good guy and she wants to date you :)
First of all... date boys u know ur mother would approve of so that u don't have to worry about drama for one and ur mom being freaked out,for another.
It means, she is going to kill you. You have every reason to be FREAKING OUT.