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Well you don't really! At the back of the alien there is a weird bit... if it is pregnant the baby will come out of there!!

This is wrong, you see Aliens have this huge big weird bit on the back of its head/neck, It'll have a few rings there. Another sign is that the head might feel a tad harder, which tells there is a baby. I have alot of aliens and I am an expert so please use this one.

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Q: How do you know if a gooey alien is pregnant?
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Can your gooey alien boy get pregnant?

Not that I know of. All the pregnant ones I have had have been female. I highly doubt that a male one can.

How do you know if a Gooey Alien is lonely?

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How do you know your gooey alien is pregnant?

It's back gets a big crack in it! glad i could help! lots and lots of love, Bob xxx

How do you make a gooey alien have baby?

I don't really know! -i hope it can help

How do you feed a gooey alien?

I'm not sure what a gooey alien is or even what you would feed him. But if there is anything gooey involved put a bib on him first.

How do you make your adult gooey alien have babies?

put them in the same pod for 5,6 days then you lady should be pregnant !

How long do you have to rub the gooey aliens back for to make them get pregnant?

5 minutes then in 30 days it will be pregnant. you know it will be pregnant because its head will get bigger when it is pregnant make sure you keep them warm and keep them wrapped up in the goo or you can loose the alien baby. x x

How can you tell if your gooey alien is asleep?

Poke it

Can gooey alien egg have babies?


How do you know your gooey alien is dead?

Bits will start going red and lumpy they can go gooey and sticky, a way to check if it is dead is to fill up a bowl/basin or something with water and put your alien in it and if it floats its alive but if it sinks its dead. be quick with the test as you could drown the alien and it will die. :)

How do you know if your scardox alien is pregnant?

if it is fat

How do you breed from a gooey alien?

there is only 1 answer for that. you cant!!