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If she text back really fast, and uses smiley faces

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Q: How do you know if a girl likes you while texting?
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How do you know if a girl likes you but you only text her?

Well, being that I'm a girl i can answer this question for you easily. If you're texting a girl and she texts you back she likes you on some level. So you're one point up there. When you're texting a girl and she texts you back a sentence or more that means she wants to talk to you. If she's texting you and suggests that you call her she likes you. Also, if you have feelings for a girl it will definitely show in your text message. It's better to get to know a girl in person though.

How do you know if a girl likes you while jogging?

we haven't yet

How can you know if a girl likes you while chatting on the internet?

Ask her and see

How do you ask a guy out in text?

While you guys are texting say "we should totally get dinner sometime" or go to a movie or something you know he likes to do

What should you ask a girl out if she likes you or not?

you might want to know her like friendship begin texting build relationships i had the same delima she might say yes

What to say to a girl you like by sm's?

if you mean by SMS (texting), then there are two things, but in different situations: 1- if you want her to know that you like her, and have an interest in going out with her. DON'T TELL HER BY TEXTING a girl likes a guy who can ask you himself. 2- if you dont want her to know that you like her. texting someone is a good way to get to know someone. so just dont insult her or make her mad, and eventually you should get to situation #1.

How do you know who a girl likes?

ask her who she likes

You like a girl that sits beside of you but how do you know if she likes you?

There is no way to tell if she likes you just by thinking it. You have too look at the positive signs: - Flirting - Constant Talking - Texting or in some cases a girl will try to draw attention to herself when she is around you, that could be another sign of her wanting you. I suggest you talk to her, get to know her and what she wants in a guy. Just go from there.

How do you know what jokes a girl likes?

Get to know her.

Tell if a girl you don't know likes you?

this is simple get to know this girl

How you will come to know that a boy is likes girl?

If a guy look at the girl twice then it means she likes the girl

How to know if a guy likes u through texting?

You can know if a guy likes u through text messages by looking at the length of the conversation between you and him, and how long takes before responding to your texts, and if he ever initiates chats.