I'm a girl and boys impress me by giving me candy, jewlery, even stuffed animals. It really impresses me when a guy tries to be the best at something when i'm looking :) Good luck!
just be yourself i am a girl in the fifth grade i would know ;)
not to impress a girl
If the boy/girl started school late, 4th grade If the boy/girl started school early, 6th grade If the boy/girl started school on time, 5th grade
Hey umm.. your one of the nicest girl i have ever met and i kinda like you
you dont you sicko
look i am a 5th grade girl so i know a lot about girls. no affense but i think that 5th grade is not a grade for dating but if you really like the girl then i think that you should tell her how you feel but do not be dramatic about it if i where in your situation i would go up to her and say i have a crush on you and if she says she likes you then ask her out but if she says no then give up it happens all the time just move on
You can't get her to like you, she will just have to choose on her own if she likes you or not. Just hang out with her and become friends first, but be yourself, don't try to impress her, because girls aren't impressed when a guy tries to impress her. (BTW, I'm a 7th grade girl and I've had experience)
Just ask and say I love you girl so be my gf I'm a 5th grade girl
Move on, there are many fish in the sea.
Victor wants to take French in seventh grade to impress a girl named Teresa, whom he has a crush on. He believes that speaking French will make him seem sophisticated and attractive to her.
smile at them . if he is at all interested he will notice and like it. Keep smiling and try to talk to him when he is alone.
There is one thing a gurl hates the most and thinks is annoying is when a guy tries to impress you!!! Don't try to impress a gurl, it's rather annoying! if you want a gurl to like you, then say hi to her be friends with her, but do NOT try to impress her! ok?