There is one thing a gurl hates the most and thinks is annoying is when a guy tries to impress you!!! Don't try to impress a gurl, it's rather annoying! if you want a gurl to like you, then say hi to her be friends with her, but do NOT try to impress her! ok?
haha i was a 5th grade girl two years ago... well i'd have to say what most impressed me was their sense of humor and if they pay attention to you... ask them if they're sad if they look sad and show your feelings for them and care for them... also i personally like DC shoes and hats but i don't think that matters
sex with her
if you do want to be in a relationship just tell her that you love her but still want to be friends
If you are a shy girl, you might impress a boy whom you like but doesn't like you by learning what he enjoys doing. Then, try to participate in those activities to get his attention.
how you will start talking with a girl whom you love is a celebrity
Well for a start if a girl already has a boyf whom she likes then it is unlikely she will be looking at other boys in any detail. Moreover, if you are lucky and succeed in your quest then the ex will be very vexed! (so maybe hiding is a good plan!)
he loved to write about Maud Gonne whom he loved alot he was impress by her beauty he is a love poet
IF you really love the girl, then you might as well try!
Victor wants to take French in seventh grade to impress a girl named Teresa, whom he has a crush on. He believes that speaking French will make him seem sophisticated and attractive to her.
I want to impress people who value good spelling.
You cannot love what, or whom, you do not know. You can be attracted to it/them, but truly no more than that.
Just be sure that she is a right person and right for you. Love the one on whom you trust the most and who never breaks you trust.
There are various ways to propose to a girl whom you love sincerely. You could take her to dinner and make plans with the restaurant to hide the ring inside her wine glass or her dessert. You can also have a band on standby to celebrate the occasion. You should be very creative and natural.