

How do you get to feel a girls vagina?

Updated: 9/28/2023
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13y ago

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You can start out as loving on the girl then get to where she is comfortable then get her clothes off then you can feel and lick or kiss it all u want

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Q: How do you get to feel a girls vagina?
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What does a penis feel like when it is inserted into a girls vagina?

It can feel warm, tight, and wet due to the natural lubrication of the vagina. The sensations can range from pleasurable to uncomfortable depending on factors such as arousal, lubrication, and communication between partners. Communication and consent are key to ensuring a mutually enjoyable experience.

Can sperm travel though 2 layers of clothes from male to reach girls vagina by passing through another 2 layers of girls clothes?

It is highly unlikely for sperm to travel through multiple layers of clothing to reach the vagina and result in pregnancy. Sperm are delicate cells that require direct contact with the vagina to have a chance at fertilization. The layers of clothing act as barriers that would significantly reduce the likelihood of any sperm reaching the vagina.

What does a vagina feel like during sex?

Vaginal sensation during sex can vary greatly depending on the individual, but it is often described as warm, moist, and enveloping. The vagina can also experience changes in tightness and lubrication based on arousal and level of stimulation. Overall, the sensation can be pleasurable and intense for many individuals.

How do you know when a guy cums inside you?

You may feel a warm sensation or a pulsating feeling inside your vagina. Additionally, some men make sounds or have physical reactions when they ejaculate. It's also possible to see semen leaking out of the vagina after sex.

What girls feel if boy touch her nipples?

Many girls would feel uncomfortable and violated if a boy touches their nipples without consent. It is important to always ask for permission and respect personal boundaries. Communication and mutual understanding are key in any form of physical interaction.

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What is the composition of a dildo?

It simulates the penis in the vagina and it makes girls feel good

What can you do with a girls vagina?

You can't do anything with a girls vagina unless you are the girl who owns the vagina! When it comes to women's vagina's you can do whatever the woman allows you to do, and nothing more.

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Is my friend cheetin on me or is it just that i saw him touchin anuthir girls vagina?

If he touched another girls vagina... he is cheating.

When do girls develop hair on vagina?

Girls never develop hair on their vagina - the vagina is the internal part of the girls genitals. Girls develop hair on the outside of their vulva and mons pubis as they enter puberty at around 10 years old.

How do boys finger girls?

through their butcrack but it does not feel as good

Where is a girls spot they feel good?

im a girl basicaally our lower back getting ate out(vagina) an that's bout it for normal girls for us freaks depends how u touch us.

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What is under girls skirt?

A vagina

What is the length of a girls vagina?

A female's vagina is usually of equal length to her hand.

What does the inside of the vagina feel like?

answer: girls love their breasts being touched but with love and tenderness. do it but nicely,some like it rough so look for your girls reactions. be soft if she likes soft. be rough if she enjoys you grabbing her breasts. all girls are different,but all love to be touched. Do not forget to kiss lick and suck. use your tongue,it will drive her crazy.

How do you know which part to finger?

The simplest answer is Where does it feel good? But generally girls touch the clitoris and try to finger the vagina. When people talk about fingering, it means a finger or two put inside the vagina. If you aren't ready for that, it's okay.