You can find the comments section of a video by scrolling down. Some videos will not have any comments at all, which will mean that you won't see any comments displayed.
You have to go to more comments and it will show more comments and if u only have a little of comments then it will maybe just show in 1 page.
Use the Help and Safety tool. YouTube has a way to report users, but it is ridiculously hidden.
Yes, you must have a YouTube account, and subsequently a channel, to comment. As of 2016, accounts linked to a Google+ profile will not synchronize comments on YouTube to the other platform.
If you properly block a Youtube user, they will not be able to see your channel or reply to your comments.
It is not possible to post a comment on YouTube without an account. Posting comments on Youtube is a prvilege you get with having a YouTube account as this also attempts to deter potential mass spammers and cyberbullies.
In the comments people share their opinions on the subject reflected in the video, there may be disputes and heated discussion, and it's great effect on the statistics channel YouTube. I sometimes buy comments at lowcostsmm (easy to find in a search engine) to encourage subscriber activity.
No, it will not be viewed on YouTube. It will only remain on Facebook.
I suppose it's something YouTube / Google inserted in order to avoid spam comments :)
YouTube refreshes comments at a rate of 100 per day. In order to get the refresh button, you'll need to accumulate 1000+ comments. If you have 10k comments, you'll get a refresh button for 50 comments per day.
To change Google plus notification on YouTube so that you only get replies to your own comment you have to make this adjustment on the setting section of replies.
When you delete your YouTube account, it just deletes your channel (and videos, if you have any).Comments do not disappear from videos and Channels.
Er... No.
YouTube itself is not inappropriate, though many videos and comments on the site are.
Check on your YouTube account
Is it simple, go to comments section in WordPress Admin Dashboard & move the comments to trash
You need to have 1000+ comments and the "Refresh" button will appear.
Some channels are linked to Google+ so if someone shares the video on Google+, they may just copy the name of the video. Other times, it is because a user is trying to spam the comments section.