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It is not possible to post a comment on YouTube without an account. Posting comments on Youtube is a prvilege you get with having a YouTube account as this also attempts to deter potential mass spammers and cyberbullies.

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Q: How do you post a comment on youtube without an account?
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How do you post a comment on YouTube without an account but still gave your email and password?

You need a youTube channel to post a comment. This is because YouTube needs to be able to display some name that is linked to your account.

How do you post a youtube comment?

It's easy. First, create your youtube account. Then, find the video that you want to comment on. Right click on the video and click on "Add a comment." Type in your comments, and then click on "Post comment."

Can you post videos on YouTube without an account?

no you have to have an account

Do you have to get an account on YouTube?

You don't have to get an account to watch other people's videos. But, if you want to post your own things on youtube or comment other people's videos, then you do have to get an account. You must be 13 years or older.

Can you post a video on youtube without an account?

i tried and it works

What do you do if your youtube comment won't post and you have created an account and you are signed in?

Try signing out then signing back in again that worked for me

How long does it take a YouTube comment to post?

The comment is posted immediately.

How do you post a note on youtube?

you post a note on you tube by making an account when you have made the account then you need to type what ever you want in that bar then you scroll right down at the bottom it says post a comment then that's where you write your note on you tube

Why wont youtube let me post a comment?

You might not be logged in

How do you leave a coment on YouTube?

To leave a comment on YouTube, simply scroll down below the video and type your comment in the comment box. Once you have written your comment, click on the "Comment" button to post it. Remember to follow YouTube's community guidelines when leaving comments.

Do you need to be a member if you want to post videos up on youtube?

Not to browse videos but if you wish to upload your own videos, comment on videos or like, dislike etc you need an account

How do you get in to a clan on Mario kart wii?

Go to youtube and make an account and search "mario kart wii recruiting clans" and post a comment saying you want to join!