The fix is to run itunes as administrator
itunes error 13010 refers to a corrupt itunes library genius file -- to resolve it remove the "itunes library genius.itdb" from your itunes folder and relaunch iTunes
it means an error has occored in your computer
hi, I'm getting the iTunes 9808 error, and nothing I've seen works (I have vista) - anything new out there? I'm pulling my hair out. rita
Register an account with the iTunes store.
Itunes error code -1202 ocurs due to the missing of important file in Mac registry and this occurs if you don't maintain your iphone properly, but if you want to fix this iphone error then use the third party repair tool. This third party repair tool fixes this iphone error easily and also recovers your all deleted files. This tool is very to use and fix this error permanently and one more thing that iphone transfer file easily and make your iphone working performance better. Refer:-
The fix is to run itunes as administrator
iTunes error code 4550 is an error that occurs when trying to burn music to a CD. One common fix is to try burning onto a different CD.
First way around the 1202 error is a pretty easy fix. Right click on "redeem" on the itunes home page. It will give you a choice to open or copy - choose "copy this link". Then paste it into a new internet explorer window. Accept the security prompt then it should load up the space to put your code in. Second fix is also simple just CHECK YOUR COMPUTERS SYSTEM DATE AND TIME. If not correct then adjust and should be you sorted.
It is a software bug, most people will have to wait for apple to fix it
please can someone fix this error 3212 cause I cannot get in my itune store been trying all night,please help.......
iTunes says that it is an unknown error when connecting to the iTunes store.
That's an error from iTunes. Try reinstalling iTunes and Quicktime.
itunes error 13010 refers to a corrupt itunes library genius file -- to resolve it remove the "itunes library genius.itdb" from your itunes folder and relaunch iTunes
This is what iTunes error 8012 says: "Error 8012 - There was a problem downloading the artwork for (iTunes item)." Click on the link below to go directly to the Apple iTunes support page:
The error -50 is usually associated with iTunes on a Windows system rather than a Mac. Some people have cured it by turning off the "Convert higher bit rate songs to 128kbps AAC" option.
This problem is caused by conflict between iTunes and the programs Nero/roxio. Both roxio and Nero cause this issue, uninstall one or both in order to get your iTunes working again. ENJOY!