You should always keep your firearms serial numbers recorded in a safe place; and all paperwork (reciepts etc) that they came with.
If purchased from a federal firearms licensee (gun store), call them. Your papers will be on file.
You will have to call Browning to find out. Need serial number to date most any firearm. Check Browning's website under customer service, then date your firearm. Value is determined by condition of firearm, and area of the sale.
Depends on model
The Winchester model 69A is a pre-serial number firearm and as such does not have one.
Compare the SN to lists published by the diffrent makers. There is no one "key" to decoding a serial number.
We need to know a Model 31 WHAT? If you are referring to a firearm, the serial number is NOT a sticker on the stock.
You do not use the serial no. You use the model number. You can purchse a current copy of Modern Gun for current firearm values.
you can find out the age of the firearm by including the serial number in a question here.
You will have to contact Taurus to find out.
You will have to contact Tarus to find out.
Contact your local police. If it has been reported stolen to the police they can find out.
you will find it on the barrel or action of the firearm
Go to Browning's site, click on Support then date your firearm.