Date code stamp on barrel if 1921 or later, before that serial no.
See related links for date code info.
You can find Remington Date of Manufacture codes at in Remington Forum
serial #
You can contact Remington directly,and use the customer service site to E-mail your shotguns serial number and letter code found on the barrel.They will contact you with the year of production.
Remington Society of America:
Since 1921 Remington has date stamped the barrel you can find the details/table on the Remington Society of America under the Manufactured Date link.
Check the date code on the barrel, see related links for information on the Remington Society of America.
You can't. You can find the serial number and from that you can get a ballpark figure on date of manufacturer
Go to Browning's site, Support, Date Your Shotgun.
You can call Remington Firearms at 1-800-243-9700. Listen to the prompts an it will give you a representative that can tell you the age of the gun by serial number
Since 1921 Remington has date stamped the barrel you can find the details/table on the Remington Society of America under the Manufactured Date link.
Check Remington Society of America here:
You cannot the serial number is required.